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Home Aims Retreats Membership |
We welcome individuals and groups for short and longer stays. We can accommodate 7 visitors in single rooms, more if you can share. There is space for camping and also accommodation on the land in comfortable sheds with wood stoves and cooking facilities. We welcome visitors’ involvement in the life of the community, and in particular hope you will attend our Quaker worship at 8.15 a.m. and 9 p.m. We normally ask guests to be self-catering, unless you visit at an enquirers’ weekend when we eat together. Visitors are also welcome at our occasional community meals. Our overnight rate is £25-15 (not including food) depending on your ability to pay. We also ask you to pay for any community food you consume (for breakfast, teas, coffees etc., and for community meals). To arrange your visit e-mail us at: mail@quakercommunity.org.uk or call us on 01433 650085. |