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2014 14-16 Feb. Listening with Love Exerience approaches to better listening and responding from love to ail communication in our relationships and encounters. £140-90. 14-16 March. Building Peace In response to the centenary of the start of WW1 let us explore how we live our testimony to peace and the challenges this brings us. £140-90. 4-6 Apr. Enquirers/Exploring Community Working and worshipping with the Community, sharing food and fellowship and discussing approaches to community living. £60-40. 18-21 Apr. Spring Gathering Celebrate spring's arrival over the Easter weekend. All age creative activities including singing, playing, cooking and gardening. £160-110. 2-4 May. Living Witness Gathering Quakers in Britain have committed to becoming a low carbon sustainable community. We'll evaluate how it's going in our meetings. What's working and why? £140-90. 27 May - 1 June. Gardening Working Retreat A medley of work & other activities to awaken both our bodies and the Community grounds, including planting, vegetable growing and maintenance of our permaculture areas. Time for sharing walks, talks, songs and inspirational texts on the theme of growing. £180-130. 20-22 June. Speaking of God Non-theist, theist, pantheist, atheist - all are welcome, to share our beliefs about what God is, or isn't. Honouring our differences, celebrating our unity. £140-90. 4-6 July. Cycling Weekend (FF) To coincide with the start of the Tour de France in Yorkshire! Explore the beautiful Peak District by bike. Learn the arts of easy riding, staying safe and how to look after your bike. £140-90. 21-27 July. Gardening Working Retreat A project run by Quaker Voluntary Action: tending the orchard, vegetable gardens and pathways through the Community's land. We'll explore the theme of pilgrimage and walk together in the stunning Peak District. £160. 15-24 Aug. Family Summer Camp (FF) Bring your children, grandchildren and young people and join us for all or part of a 10 day family-friendly celebration of the wild, the woods, fields, reservoirs and rivers of the Peak District. Camping or indoors, self-catering, sharing meals, resources and fun. £10-15 per day adults, £5-10 children (charges negotiable). 5-7 Sept. Enquirers/Exploring Community Working and worshipping with the Community, sharing food and fellowship and discussing approaches to community living. £60-40. 19-21 Sept. Truth and Transformation Exploring the Quaker way. An interactive weekend for Quakers and non-Quakers exploring the movement's speaking of truth and ongoing transformation inot the 21st century. £130-90. 10-13 Oct. Derwent Pulse Project (FF) One thousand lights, shepherded by riverside communities, will flow the length of the Derwent from source to mouth, weaving together past, present and future histories of Derbyshire, its river and its people. Delivered by a team of artists for the people of and visitors to Derbyshire. £160-110. 25-30 Nov. Woodland Working Retreat Working in the Community woodlands, learning about and using traditional methods. Enjoy a guided nature walk in the beautiful Peaks and a seasonal bonfire. £180-130. 5-7 Dec. Decluttering Explore your relationship with the things you own and the way you spend your time in the context of the Quaker testimony to simplicity. £140-90. Midwinter Gathering (FF) Celebrate in community over the Christmas holiday, making decorations and delicious meals. With space to be, singing, creativity and a bonfire. £280-200. FF = Family Friendly. Families with children are particularly welcome for these events. Please enquire about bringing children at other times. There are different rates for children and young people. Further course details will be made available on our website: www.quakercommunity.org.uk. Is there something else you would like to see in our programme? Please do contact us at retreats@quakercommunity.org.uk to suggest or offer a course. Retreat prices Prices are for full board on a sliding scale according to income and/or ability to pay. We do not require proof of earnings or benefits but ask that you discern what to pay within the fee scale. Please don't make cost a barrier to attending - some bursary help is also available on request if the lower fee is still out of your reach. Our catering is vegetarian and mostly organic. We happily provide for gluten-free and other diets. We ask you to help with food preparation, washing up and cleaning during your stay. |